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Tee hee inc.

May 16, 2008

Tee hee inc is a group of people who have started a business. We sell funny comics, stories, songs, pictures, movies, and more. The members are: me, Ben, Nathan, and Ethan.  There is also a tee hee fan club. Anyone can join! free of charge. Go to for details

Posted at: 02:19 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

hidden page?!?!?!?

April 24, 2008

rumor has it that there is a secret hidden page on this webite. Is this true? Try looking for it.
Posted at: 07:41 PM | 6 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Charlie the unicorn

April 21, 2008

have you seen charlie the unicorn on utube? It is so funny!!!! watch it now!!!! I have it on my favorite links!!!!

Posted at: 01:01 PM | 4 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

BYU strong and powerful

March 14, 2008

Ok the votes say that BYU is the winner!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Horray! well, no one even voted for Utah so... thats even better!!!


Posted at: 12:05 PM | 8 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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